I've added some new links at the left.
Sound Bites Nutrition is my friend Lisa's new biz venture. She's a dietitian, mom, and all-around hilarious gal originally from the Rust Belt like me. If you need some help with all things food-related, contact Lisa. I promise she won't make you feel bad for eating so much crap.
Madison Blvd Photography is a photo studio run by two delightful moms. They took our family pictures and Lauren's one-year photos back in December and managed to make us all look good (mostly Lauren). Check out the Galleries for shots of my gal in a pink tutu (a prop I really didn't want but they turned out to be my favorite pictures).
Lumpyhead is a site I stumbled across, read the whole thing one afternoon and laughed hysterically. It chronicles the adventures of a working mom, stay-at-home dad and their two (soon to be three) kids. I'm hooked.